Well folks, buckle up, because we're about to embark on an epic journey back to the good old days of 1978. That's right, we're talking about the birth of the superhero movie genre, the film that started it all, the one and on...
Our controversial review of 1993's Demolition Man and how the film's disturbing predictions of the future are coming true. Demolition Man is a 1993 science fiction action film directed by Marco Brambilla and starring Sylveste...
The Salty Nerds discuss westerns starring Kurt Russell and his epic mustaches. Come work through the movies that gave the Nerds PTSD after watching them! If you like this content and want more of it, be sure to check out the members area at: http://www.saltynerdclub.com
Grab a martini and a girl in a bikini because this week the Salty Nerds are talking Bond, Brosnan Bond. What does the crew think of the 90s James Bond fillms with their terrible puns and giant freakin laser beams? Find out in this weeks Salty Nerd...
Alex is away so the Salty Nerds decide to watch movies he'd normally never allow on the podcast and pay a dear, dear price for doing so. They choose three of the WORST holiday-themed horror movies possible, and end up regretting it! If you like this...
There's something strange in the neighborhood, and it's the Salty Nerds! This week the crew reviews all the Ghostbusters movies - even the bad ones! (Especially the bad ones.) Call it fate, call it karma, call it cats and dogs living together in...
Check your Flux Capacitors Nerds because we are heading to the Past in this episode of Retro We-Watch! The Salty Crew talk about 3 retro movies. Jude's horror roots go deep with 13 Ghosts, Kadish picked the classic, The Day The Earth Stood Still,...
Get ready to take a big bite out of this podcast this week as the Salty Nerd Crew talk about the first 3 films in the Resident Evil Franchise, Kadish explains exactly why he hates Director Paul W.S. Anderson, Vader compares the T-Virus to COVID, and...
This week on the Salty Nerd Podcast the crew talk about movies that turn regular old stories we know and love into crazy monster filled stories that are way cooler! First up is Abraham Lincoln who lives a secret life hunting vampires before becoming...